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On this page we have listed different materials that can be downloaded for free. These are information, publications and teaching materials. We are constantly working to expand the area and offer even more museum content digitally.

To plan your visit, you can download the overview plan here:

Overview plan

Or learn more about the Historical Museum Frankfurt in our Guide (english version):

Guide to the Historical Museum Frankfurt

Museum Magazine – "Schneekugel"

The new public magazine of the Historical Museum offers special insights and perspectives into the past and the future. Twice a year, it will now present topics that deal with our city and the Frankfurt Historical Museum.

On 48 pages, it provides insights into the activities and offerings of Frankfurt's large city museum. It is named after the large snow globe ("Schneekugel") in the new building with its eight unusual city models of Frankfurt's special features. The magazine is aimed at anyone interested in the city of Frankfurt and its rich history and current issues. For families and young readers, there are special insights into the program and projects of the Junges Museum (Young Museum).

1st issue 2021 (German language):
Grüner wird's nicht

2nd issue 2021/2022 (German language): Mitgemacht!?

3rd issue 2022 (German language): Menschenskinder!

4th issue 2022 (German language): Immer Wandel

5th issue 2023 (German language): Geschichten vom Geld


Since 2010, we have been exploring the city of Frankfurt together with its inhabitants in the CityLab. For each CityLab project a documentation has been published in German.

Download the digital documentations here or browse through the overview of the CityLab projects.

My Frankfurt model. Summer tour 2015 (in German, PDF 4,21 MB)
Ostend 2011. CityLab on the move (in German, PDF 5,57 MB)
Moving Clothes. A fashionable citylab (in German, PDF 5,6 MB)

For the exhibition "Hardly an ordinary life. Stories of work, migration and family" two story coloring books were created. As conversation starters, they encourage people to tell their own (migration) stories or to have their stories told by friends, colleagues or relatives.

Erzähl-Mal-Heft 1, story coloring book for people who have immigrated (pdf, 231 kb, only in German)
Erzähl-Mal-Heft 2, story coloring book for people whose ancestors have immigrated (pdf, 218 kb, only in German)